i d/l the GL setup and it said at the end coulndt install something so i filed a bug report, so hopefully they will send me some feedback so i can figure this shit out, i have no prob with any other game even RTCW.
thanks for your help guys!
live your life like it's your last day
1. Try experimenting with some different video card driver version numbers. Sometimes the newest are not the best with EVERY system.
2. Do not install new drivers over old ones.
Delete the old then reboot and install new ones.
Here's some directions on remove/install drivers. Try and find a utility called: DETONATOR DESTROYER. Here's the readme frm that utility.
Right here is the procedure and usage of this (wonderful) tool.
* Uninstall the drivers from the Add/Remove Section of Control Panel
* Run this program
* Click on Uninstall
* Click on either Restart to restart windows or close to shut the program. You will need to restart shortly
* When the machine has restarted, Install the display adapter as "Standard VGA"
* Restart whern prompted
* Install the new display drivers
* Restart again
Also, you might try deleting the entire demo then reinstall it.
[This message has been edited by Arclight (edited January 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Arclight (edited January 12, 2002).]
i tried al this crap and i double clcik on the icon and it brings up a screen loading all this tuff and then boom a grey screen?? what could be the prob
live your life like it's your last day
fuck no, i wish the fuckin drivers would work but no!!! why do they make this shit non compatible with video cards, i hope they fix it in the real game or im not buyin it!!
live your life like it's your last day