Have any of you downloaded the warez version? If you have i do not hold it againsted you, I want it because I need it! I have been waiting for this game for an ewxtreamly long time (ever sence it was announced) So if you do have it please, please post some pics, or a links, or a video, OR SOMETHING.....
Stealing? I have never stole anything in my life. If I do (probably wont) get the warez I will immidiatly uninstall it when i get the "Retail" version. I'm not a thief and you can quote me on that.
(fixed grammer/spelling)
[This message has been edited by CptJGrover (edited January 14, 2002).]
And the people that say they want to try the game first, before they buy it. Why do they think develepors release demos of their games?
And people that actually finnish a game that they have warezd. Do you really think they would buy it later? They must be bored of it by then, and they will most likely start to look for new warez, instead of buying the game.