For those of you who like to have sniper scopes in you sig heres a tut to add some realism
1) get you pic that you want or set one up,
2) got to Filter>Render>Lens Flare.
note make sure u do the lens flare on the background layer.
set the flare to your liking, but here's my pic[img][/img]
3) Take the pic you created, to any extent you want and make it part of your new sig
This is to add realism to the WWII scope shots since they didnt have sun hoods at the end of their scopes
You had good intentions posting this tutorial but idk if a n00b would even try it.. who wants a scope with a horrible glare? and the effect isnt even that good.
how am i a n00b celedux? your sig is incredibly easy to make as well. my metallica sig isnt supposed to be good, its just to show im a huge fan of them. as for my green sig, its not that hard to make, but not the easiest either.