I was recently FORCED to Uninstall and RE-Install the MP demo....I have lost the Mod that gets rid of EA's and 2015's intro....What was this MOD called and Who has it....I lost all of my MODs I had installed and I have noticed that there rare MULTIPLE types....i.e:3 blood mods,3 sound mods......Which Blood mod is the best,and what SOUND mod is the most realistic.....
C'mon guys I wanna get back into the game A.S.A.P. soo HELP MEH!!!!!!!!!!!
Nope,sorry,man that is the Command to get the Console up in game......When you launch the game,the EA and the 2015 LOGO/INTRO appear...there is a mod that gets rid of BOTH of them...I have just misplaced it and I need to know what the name of it is....
ooooops, its been a long time since I did it.
When I launch from my desktop to make my server I always see the logos.
When I launch from All Seeing Eye that has that in the config line I see no logo's. so I figured thats what I did to get rid of em. Oh well.