While we do out best to make sure things don’t get out of hand we simply don’t have the time to moderate every little post, I spend 80% of my time moving topics!!
What would help if you guys could send us a little E-mail when ever something gets to out of hand, that way we would be able to moderate a larger area.
Luke “Skidrowpunk” Jones-Sexton
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-The Love me, They Must, How Could They Not?
Also while bad words can be fixed by using the word filter (changing the word Warez to I Sux, would be fun) I would like to think that people would still be professional in there posting manner, however it has been proven that this is not the case.
are there moderators here? if so, where are they, there is a lot of foul language on this forum, and it seems to be from the kiddies....just curious, I'll shut up now.