In every first shooter game there was a gun which you are holding in your hand visible, here's not. Is this only in my version, is it a bug or is there something in the game i missed it!
Please help, 'couse it's very pathetic to play the game, when you only see a cross on your screen to shhot with.
Thanx guys,
I feel kind a stupid, not to figured that out by myself (i guess i was so into to game, that i just forgot )
It gives that special touch to realism, but sadly, the game is not so fast as it used to be. (i'm blaming my celeron 450 and geforce2)...I wonder what should i buy, to make game run smoothly with, heh, some details, medium at least...btw, i'm playing at 800*600, could this be a problem?
Gun view rulz...I can't imagine anyone playing this kind a games with only cross on the screen. Hmmm, it helps with realistic feeling...Though, I miss realism from SOF
Btw, i got a 256 ram and doesn't help a bit...I guess Duron 1900 should make some difference