You got a point there but im not going into this to far.
The thing is, im from Amsterdam and to think of what the Germans did to us (there Brothers) in the past Go's deep.
im only 22 but the story's my grandpa spoke of where just discusting and breath taking, that humans are capeble of doin these things, Yo! im not a softy or any thing, but any well thinking person would dispice these germans.
These Germans did nothing personal to me, still i feel there presents not so plesent.
Specialy when im on some server where these guys are realy gething into there act (nazi German)
This could be a very stupid post cos after all 50% of the ppl playing will be Nazi germans, well im looking at it from the bright side and be happy that there are these Guys to put holes in.
Im a Alie by Blood.
[This message has been edited by DigitalSmoke (edited January 17, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by DigitalSmoke (edited January 17, 2002).]