Originally Posted by Innoxx
I know, I was just fucking with ya to get an response like this since I am quite bored today and I need entertainment. Now, best? It depends what grounds you base this on, the class of the weapon and a whole slew of other shit. You name a firearm of your choice and I'll gladly tell you about it.
Well, obviouly my statement was purposely overblown too.
I like the tommy. It is a solid, proven gun. Heavy? Yes, but so what? They made shoulder straps for them and many people also said the vietmenese were too small to carry AK47s.
I also like the M1. I would love to have one and some day I will.
The STG was the most revolutionary gun of the war. Made a bit on the cheap side, but the design and performance was solid.
The colt 1911. Bad to the bone, even today. I wouldnt mind adding one of those to my collection.
Bolt action rifles? Whatever. The bren? That top loader is just plain ugly. The mp40 would be a nice gun to own. The grease gun? OK, but basically a cheap stamped version of the tommy. The BAR would be cool. I have always been a bit of a browning fan. The russian stuff? Not really interested, their greatest weapons were the weather and the shear volumn of people they could throw at you. And so on......
I prefer the american and german stuff mostly.