I am the author of the M1 Carbine that caused a large fight here, I thought it only fair that I am allowed to give my two cents as the original creator of it.
If you'd be so kind to go to this link:
http://www.pokemart.dodhq.net/index.php ... ge=carbine
You'll see that the M1 Carbine that was shown is indeed my model. All my modelling work is copywritten by law to me, meaning you may
not release without my permission. If you would have been honest and said, "Hey Nomad, can I release this model for MOH:AA?" I would have been more than happy to say yes.
A lot of people are saying, "Well, we steal sounds, they steal models, oh well." That shouldn't justify you stealing more, I'm here as an 'Artist' protecting my work and my interests, regardless of what others do.
Sorry for all the trouble, I've posted on the Day of Defeat forums telling them to not come here unless they want to post constructively.