why can't i get over around 25 fps on the single player demo?
my pc 4-1.5ghz,256mb ram,geforce2 64mb mx400 video card.
all detail is on max and the rez is 800x600.
can anyone help me to get higher fps?!?
Here are my specs:
Windows 98 SE
Pentium 3 700 MHZ
512 MB PC100 SDRAM
GeForce 3 Ti 200 64MB
Soundblaster Live! Value
Ultra ATA/66 7200 RPM 30 GB Harddrive (7 GB Free)
1280 MB Swap File
16x10x40 CDR/CDRW
Bellsouth.net 1.5mbps DSL
The game runs awesome. No slow downs at all. I get about 45 FPS with all settings on high. The FPS goes down to like 30-35 fps during firefights but it doesn't seem to slow down the gameplay.
System Specs..
Win XP
512mb ram pci 133
SBlive 5.1
Geforce 3 ti500
Pent 3 1ghz
fps on hunt map...high is 65 fps, low is 20 fps...all settings on max.
fps on Stalingrad...high is 100fps, low is 30-45fps,(dont play the map much, dont remember)...settings on max.
Ive tried adjusting some settings because it does chop at times, when explosion going off and gunfire galore, in the middle of the street...but was wiling to put up with it since it wasent very often it happened, ive spent enough money on this computer, it should run better,graphic cards are overrated and overpriced in my opinion, i just got the geforce 3 recently.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by intrestedviewer: it might consolidate u that i get an amazing 20 fps with the geforcwe 3 pentium 3<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
you're not alone, I get around 23 fps with my Geforce3 Pentium3