I finally just got the multiplayer demo installed and i am using the eye to play, i go to a game that has a ping of like 200 and i get horrid lag, i'm on a 56k, i would get broadband if it was in my area =(. Is there anything i can do to make it better or is it like this for other 56kers?
yeah keep callin ur phone or cable company until they finaly get cable or ADSL in ur area...bug the shit outta them. they said they would never have ADSL or cable in my area cuz i live on an island. but they finally got ADSL.
oh yeah try goin into rooms with pings lower than 100. i know its hard cuz ur 56k but there should be a server somewhere that has a low ping.
you went to a server with a 200 ping?!?!
theres your problem right there find one that has like 60-120
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." - Mark Twain
This game has some netcode problems if you dont have a perfect ping, and you will not find many dedicated servers, which can have the bandwitdh to make a good game but the idiots insist on hosting a 32 player server because they think their cables magical or some shti.