Tournament: Double Elimination
Start Date: July 12th, 2003 900am PST - All Matches played on Saturdays
Game Type: TDM
Warm up Map: Crossroads
Maps: Stalingrad, Southern France, and Remagen
Time Limit: 10 minutes per map
Winning criteria: Most kills a map - Win two out of the three maps
Tie: In the event of a tie, the warm up map will be played after the last map
Communications: Public Team Speak RC2 Server located at
Servers US (Realism) - San Jose, CA US - Boston, MA EU (Realism) - Amsterdam, Holland UK US - Dallas, TX
Server Selection: Luck of the draw will determine which server each match is played on.
Sides: Axis and Allies will be determined by luck of the draw
4 man teams
No substitutions.
At least three members of the team must show up for the match or that team forfeits.
No being on two teams
Each clan can submit as many teams as they can form
The following information must be provided when submitting a team
Clan name:
Team Name: (Please keep it clean as we run "G" rated servers)
Team Captain Email: (please no hotmail accounts)
Team Captain:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Any team submission missing information will be deleted!
Other Specifications:
Friendly fire = ON for all servers
Each clan signing up to participate in the Tournament must also supply one individual to act in the capacity of Tournament Official
Tournament Officials can not play in the Tournament
Depending on number of teams, 2 matches will be played per Saturday to reduce running length of tournament for first few weeks.
This tournament is for fun and bragging rights only! All submissions of teams must be in no later than midnight PST July 4th, 2003. First round matches will be posted by July 7th.
Submit your team to
2inct@mohaacrew.com or directly to me at