I want to thank everyone out there that has emailed me for their support , questions , and request.
Well crew , its been real. . For where I am with all that is going on and taking shape in my life right now , modding is just a element that is no longer part of me right now . Do I have plans of future things , maybe . As for the things I had in the works , I will hand them to some skinners that may take them on to finish them out . Tales From The Frontline is soon to have its second season , it will be headed up by a mod maker that will be soon all released when we get it all setup.
im still amazed that someone who could skin like you still cant figure out how to download messenger oOo: man, sry to see yag go Fubes! get frikin MSN messenger (for the millionth time now) and we'll talk. lata
I don't come here much anymore except when I am bored or compiling, but I'm glad I saw your thread. Good luck Fubah and I think I speak for a lot of people by saying excellent work.