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01-25-2002, 02:52 AM
Dude the main thing I like about it is atleast the hand gun can do some damage now. 1 thing i didnt like is with the machinegun you are pretty much unstoppable, I was sniping across the map with the gun with 1 shot kills they should change some things or  give the hand gun more punch in regular version.

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01-25-2002, 03:05 AM
Oh and now YOU'RE a fucking english teacher?
Come on wanker, what's up YOUR other sleeve?
Do you have any more words of wisdom for us that seem to be beneath you?
As far as the blow job goes, I don't think I'm the one that needs it. YOU'RE the one that seems to have a problem with an opinion other than YOURS.
Do you really think I take these forums seriously? Come on man, those of with even half a brain figured you out by YOUR 2nd post. I bet in YOUR past life, you were a fisherman huh? (Bait the hook, throw into water. Wait to see what bites?)
Ha ha. It's all in good fun you stroke. These are just arenas in which to practice YOUR written verbal sparring skills.
Ok teacher...did I pass the english test this round?
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?
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01-25-2002, 03:07 AM
MD, you admitted yourself that you get a ping of around 20 to your server. Do you REALLY expect anyone to count the difference between a 20-ping (fiftieth of a second) and zero, you inane hypocrite? I don't consider myself disadvantaged by a 200-ping (two tenths of a second), so I really don't see my zero ping as an advantage even if the lag was one way as you claim.
One can only wonder what the people who know you think of you...a cocky, know-it-all braggart with a huge chip on his shoulder. Speaking plainly, you are just a very nasty and unpleasant person. You're the kind of person others want to smack in the mouth, just to shut your fat gob the fuck up. A sneering, swaggering prick. A pompous blowhard. One day, when you're old, you might have accrued enough wisdom to finally recognize yourself for what you are...and I wouldn't be suprised if it prompts you to eat a bullet. And pretending that the character you portray is a constructed persona is derisory. Save your breath.
And as for your server...I visited it just after it came online (The Hunt, booooring.) and waited around for about twenty minutes spectating nothing. Visited again about an hour later and found three guys playing the Rocket map. Seems your server is, ahem, not particularly popular. Mine was crowded as usual, regular six/seven vs six/seven. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that your personality's reputation has travelled?

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01-25-2002, 03:11 AM
haha i love this <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>where the garand takes almost a whole clip to kill and the kar isnt worth a shit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>learn to hit your target in the upper chest/head. the kar, if you can shoot, is awsome.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I kinda like it, it makes it more challenging considering its realistic a hand gun can now kill you. Instead of in the regular version you can shoot a full clip into someones head without them caring at all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>youre kidding right <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>considering anyone with a gun who shoots at ya can take ya down I think its realistic. If your not good enough to play it then dont heh<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>riiight i forgot noone with a gun in base MoH can kill your  i especially like the "if you arent good enough" arent good enough to what? hit someone twice vefore they hit me twice? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Dude the main thing I like about it is atleast the hand gun can do some damage now<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>again, learn to hit your opponent in the upper chest/head area.
this further proves to me the mentality of CPR players = "whaaa i cant kill people in base MoH so i need to play the newbie no skill mod"
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01-25-2002, 03:18 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
MD, you admitted yourself that you get a ping of around 20 to your server. Do you REALLY expect anyone to count the difference between a 20-ping (fiftieth of a second) and zero, you inane hypocrite? I don't consider myself disadvantaged by a 200-ping (two tenths of a second), so I really don't see my zero ping as an advantage even if the lag was one way as you claim.
One can only wonder what the people who know you think of you...a cocky, know-it-all braggart with a huge chip on his shoulder. Speaking plainly, you are just a very nasty and unpleasant person. You're the kind of person others want to smack in the mouth, just to shut your fat gob the fuck up. A sneering, swaggering prick. A pompous blowhard. One day, when you're old, you might have accrued enough wisdom to finally recognize yourself for what you are...and I wouldn't be suprised if it prompts you to eat a bullet. And pretending that the character you portray is a constructed persona is derisory. Save your breath.
And as for your server...I visited it just after it came online (The Hunt, booooring.) and waited around for about twenty minutes spectating nothing. Visited again about an hour later and found three guys playing the Rocket map. Seems your server is, ahem, not particularly popular. Mine was crowded as usual, regular six/seven vs six/seven. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that your personality's reputation has travelled? 
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>*yawn* i never claimed to NOT have an advantage with my ping i know i do. and ask anyone who knows wtf they are talking about a 20 ping is a huge advantage over a 200 ping. further proof of your inability to understand how games work.
as per my server. the retail hasnt been popular (yet, noone has the game twat)no but when i ran a demo server(everyone could freely get the demo) it was packed every night with 24 people.
sorry i couldnt play last night, probably wont be tonight either my girl is staying at my house so well.....its games or sex and well thats a no bariner  .
again haha dont assume you know how i act in real life bitch. this isnt real, its text on screen where i can blow off any steam i feel like.
dont like it? dont read it.
point still stands, YOU ARE WRONG and you suck at MoH
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Location: rahway,nj us

01-25-2002, 03:19 AM
Does the saying"ignore it and it will go away" mean anything to anyone ? What kind of an asshole doesn't aim for the chest or head thats what i'm talking about when i use the kar and shoot someone point blank in the chest it aint gonna tickle asshole!!But on servers without cpr they keep charging at me after having my crosshair set dead on their head or center of their chest .
Posts: 79
Join Date: Jan 2002

01-25-2002, 03:22 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
if sucking at it means almot always at the top in a server then yeah i guess i suck.
what is so hard to understand about this.
lets do some simple math
skillful player has a hit percentage of say 40%
average player has lets say 20%
SMG has 30 rounds.
30 x .4 = 12 rounds hit
30 x .2 = 6 rounds hit
now depending on hit location the newbie should still be able to get a kill in normal mode with a single full clip.
notice that the skillful player is all but garunteed at least 1 kill with a smg with 1 full clip.
this doesnt take into account lag or any other factor. just straight numbers.
now in CPR a newbie doesnt have to worry about hit location, he can just hold down the trigger and spray spray spray. No skillful burst fire, no need to worry about groupings. my mom could get 2 lucky shots off.
i dominated CPR servers just like i dominate normal servers.
again, ive seen it a million times on both kinds of server. GAMEPLAY HAS NOT CHANGED. PEOPLE STILL RUSH HEAD LONG INTO THE FIRE FIGHT!!!!
i got tired of some idiot all the way across the map firing the mg full auto and hitting me all the way acroos the map even though the only thing visible is my head sticking around the corner. an MG is not that accurate im sorry.
so again, please continue to play your realism mod. that will mean the higher skilled players will all flock to my server(once they fix the dedicated server that is).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Somebody's full of himself, ain't he?
Posts: 79
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01-25-2002, 03:23 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
lol obviously you havent played with me.
a person who has better aiming skill will totally dominate CPR why? because they can land 2 shots alot quicker easier than your average player.
and yes it does go both ways. since average players dont need to be as consitently acurate. they have a much better chance against more skilled players since they only have to hit them twice now instead of 4-6 times.
so therefor, CPR lowers the skill level across the board.
oh and it does nothing to change the gameplay, people still nade rush on CPR server, the Rocket launcher is still great for clearing a room and stopping a rush.
NOTHING has changed except now skilless lamers can actually kill me where as on a normal server they wouldnt have a snow flakes chance in hell.
Want quick kills? learn to hit the head. (hint the k98k is awsome for head shots)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Very full of himself.
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01-25-2002, 03:23 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
[quote:b9fb5]Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
MD, you admitted yourself that you get a ping of around 20 to your server. Do you REALLY expect anyone to count the difference between a 20-ping (fiftieth of a second) and zero, you inane hypocrite? I don't consider myself disadvantaged by a 200-ping (two tenths of a second), so I really don't see my zero ping as an advantage even if the lag was one way as you claim.
One can only wonder what the people who know you think of you...a cocky, know-it-all braggart with a huge chip on his shoulder. Speaking plainly, you are just a very nasty and unpleasant person. You're the kind of person others want to smack in the mouth, just to shut your fat gob the fuck up. A sneering, swaggering prick. A pompous blowhard. One day, when you're old, you might have accrued enough wisdom to finally recognize yourself for what you are...and I wouldn't be suprised if it prompts you to eat a bullet. And pretending that the character you portray is a constructed persona is derisory. Save your breath.
And as for your server...I visited it just after it came online (The Hunt, booooring.) and waited around for about twenty minutes spectating nothing. Visited again about an hour later and found three guys playing the Rocket map. Seems your server is, ahem, not particularly popular. Mine was crowded as usual, regular six/seven vs six/seven. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that your personality's reputation has travelled? 
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>*yawn* i never claimed to NOT have an advantage with my ping i know i do. and ask anyone who knows wtf they are talking about a 20 ping is a huge advantage over a 200 ping. further proof of your inability to understand how games work.
as per my server. the retail hasnt been popular (yet, noone has the game twat)no but when i ran a demo server(everyone could freely get the demo) it was packed every night with 24 people.
sorry i couldnt play last night, probably wont be tonight either my girl is staying at my house so well.....its games or sex and well thats a no bariner .
again haha dont assume you know how i act in real life bitch. this isnt real, its text on screen where i can blow off any steam i feel like.
dont like it? dont read it.
point still stands, YOU ARE WRONG and you suck at MoH[/quote:b9fb5]
Yea and also where you can say you have a girlfriend (right) and escape from having to deal with all us newbies who will probably own ur ass on your server
Posts: 79
Join Date: Jan 2002

01-25-2002, 03:29 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
haha whatever man. youve obviously never player with me.
keep holding on to your pipe dreams.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This guy really gets off on himself.
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01-25-2002, 03:31 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
[quote:8c45b]Originally posted by escarabajo30:
but how can you distinguish a server that uses CPR from one that doesn't?
one has sucky players(cpr) the other has good players .
actually most cpr servers tack on a [CPR] on the end of the server name.[/quote:8c45b]
Actually, I think I'm pretty good , but cpr honestly makes it more challenging .
Posts: 79
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01-25-2002, 03:33 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
i "brag" because my skills as a player were attacked.
some claim i "dont have those kinds of skills"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And some claim that people who go out of their way to build themselves up in front of others must be overcompensating for something they are ashamed about.
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01-25-2002, 03:34 AM
OK, MadRebel.
Let me put it this way.
Realism = Real life right?
Put an SMG in the hands of a "newbie" in real life.
I guarantee you he/she could kill.
In a CPR mod, a good player will play more conservatively because one shot can kill.
Cover must ALWAYS be used, and you must fall back more often.
It takes absolutely no less skill.
CPR is just more boring in objective/round, because it incites a campfest.
People are so terrified of getting shot at they huddle in a corner and wait for someone to come for them.
Which, in a way, really IS "realism".
It's not like 1 shot ALWAYS kills in CPR, I have been shot twice and lived.
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01-25-2002, 03:38 AM
I have fun playing both.
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01-25-2002, 03:43 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
your technical expertise is so far below mine i would have to have my frontal lobe removed to dumb it down low enough for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Must we all drown in madrebel's load of crap?
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