doesn't sound's the first level you get the shotgun in...
i'm supposed to get documentation on some new tank...and they claim i can't miss it because it's huge...well i can't find it unless it's one of the 2 i blew up, and there was no documentation there!
The information your'e looking for is in the basement of one of the houses. It's on a table in the middle of the room -there are two guards and a couple bunks in a cement basement. specifically, you go into one of the doors leading in from the outside (not sure which one) and there is a doorway to your left. It's easy to miss (I almost did)but it leads to the basement.
ive got a little problem in mission 5 i think it's the first part where you have to find the missing bazooka squad. well i can't find it and i've looked everywhere ... thanks for the help!
i'm supposed to find information on some new large tiger tank, i'm in the compound, killed everyone - destroyed 2 tanks, there is a third that i can't destory (green) and NO INFO, NO TANK anywhere??!??!
I don't know where they hid a tank, but i sure can't find it!
If this doesn't ring any bells, i'll go back in and find which level exactly...
How could you be stuck? The game's levels are designed so that you have little or no freedom of path. What's your specific situation - I've played through and would be willing to lend a hand.
***SPOILER WARNING*** I won't go into too much detail but I'm revealing parts of the game here to help folks out...
Hi there -
I finished the game on medium, however I still haven't bought it yet.. (Yes, I'm one of *THOSE* people..) I have and have had every intention of buying this game.. I'll play it over on Hard mode and for MP..
So since I finished and remember most of it...
First - with the tanks that you need to clear out - I'm not sure which you missed, but there is one tank that drives by you when you're first getting to that 'area'. That's one - a second one is in a hangar/garage in that same vicinity, and the third you can't miss - it's manned by two or three guys and there's a spotlight shining down on the tank. You also have to place a bomb on the munitions in a utility room too, which is close to that last tank, if I'm not mistaken.
To the person stuck on the 'bazooka squad'... If you noticed shortly before you got to the gate (and couldn't go any farther), there were a few guys hiding behind a small piece of wall. (This is actually at the right-turn in the road which leads to the gate.) They're wearing different fatigues than your crew. If you had any guys left at that point you would have heard them calling out their names. Those guys are the bazooka squad. It took me a few tries to figure out the problem - you need to keep at least one of them alive. You need to act quick since once they hear their names or see you, they come out running to you and get sniped.. They died pretty quick if I didn't take some quick action.
Hope this helps, let me know if you get stuck again. ;-)