Originally Posted by Reppirt
What else do you expect from us, dudes?
A bunch of fuckfaces come onto our beloved forum, only to instigate flaming and make attempts to insult us.....(The SOLE reason)...Do you expect us to sit down and let them run across the forum ruining threads with flames?
No, of course not - But this kind of shit is pathetic.
You mean to tell me that because someone did this to you that by laughing at the pictures of them and their friends/famillies because they're "fat and nerds" you have, in some way, got even?
Utter bullshit.
Flame each other, call eachother pricks/wankers/dicks for all I care. Spend your entire day responding to eachother with witty remarks in well constructed and convoluted replies. I have a sense of humour and I enjoy a good laugh at other people's expense sometimes but never have I extended that sense of humour so low that I would do this.
It may be funny to you and you may feel that it fulfills your "gritty" internet forum humour but to me it's just childish.
You're right that if people can't laugh at themselves then they can't laugh at anyone but this thread has nothing to do with that. It's about deliberately victimising someone in some weird manifestation of internet "revenge".
I don't give a shit what AAN members have done to you, or me, or this forum in the past. This forum starts fresh the moment the new rules are released and any pety hair-pulling like this will be picked up and dealt with.
I'm not going to have this forum being used for this shit. If you want to moan and bitch at eachother in direct response to someone saying something you don't like then be my guest, but don't start a topic to deliberately victimise
anyone no matter what they did to you.
It is only because the rules, which have now been written, have not yet been posted that this thread has not been locked. If anyone thinks that I'm saying this just because I am now moderator then I guess you don't know me very well.
It's just that I left this particular kind of "humour" behind me when I grew up and I challenge anyone to show me evidence to the contrary.