I too, was having a problem connecting... I don't like playing on servers less than 20, really, so there aren't too many to choose from that have a good ping. :-(
Well we upgraded to 1.1. We also bought multiple copies of the game so we can have a dedicated server. But in being realistic about our available bandwidth (cable connection) we need to limit the number of players to below 10. Just because you've found a server that claims to have a T1 connection (when it's actually a fractional T1) doesn't mean it can handle 30 people. I myself have tried playing on these servers and the hosts would just realize they can't host THAT many people (better maybe with 12-18), they would be FANTASTIC servers! And for those of you who complain about OCCASSIONAL lag on a server, try to keep in mind there may be people like me who have spent their hard earned money on extra copies so you can have another server to play on for FREE.
I am running a dedicated server off my T1 at my house and a map like Omaha Beach is a bandwith hog...the clients need more updates so I cut the player limit from 32 down to 26 and increased my rate settings to about 11000..on the Team DM maps I had no problem with 32 players on with the rate set to 10000...the net code needs more compression on the clients side.
PS I installed the patch the night it came out
I like the in-game browser from the 1.1 patch. The question I have is why include the old version in the browser? It gets real annoying to find out a game is the old version, then have to go back through the MP screens and re-load every time. Has anyone figured out a config setting to filter the correct version in the browser?
It is nice to see that some server hosts are labeling their games as 1.1.
EA/2015/Gamespy need to fix this annoyance real fast!
[This message has been edited by Johnny Alpha (edited January 26, 2002).]