OK I have this great game, but it crashed every few minutes. So I check the forums here (since the official ones are down. . .) and see that others have the same problem. So if you have crashes, freezes, or whatever, describe them in detail here. If you have solutions, please, please, PLEASE post them here! Maybe we will see a pattern...
Ok my game crashes anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes into a game. The screen freezes and the sound loops. I cannot ctrl-alt-delete the program, and I am forced to reboot.
Win 2000 Pro
Athon XP1600
256 MB DDR
GeForce 2 MX400
--All with the latest drivers! (I also backed up a version with the Detonator drivers...)
I have the smae problem. I can play for (guessing) 15-30 minutes and my game will freeze up as well. I can still see people talking and such for a little bit. All the while I get the disconnected icon at the bottom of the screen. Then the entire thing eventually hoses up my system...full reboot.
AMD 1.3ghz Athlon
768mb Ram
64MB 3D Prophet II GTS
SB Live
Most excellent game, but this lil issue is quite annoying for me...expecially when I got a bean on someone's head.
I bought this bad boy last nite...Played all the way up to the level where u use the bazooka to blow up the king tiger tank or whatever..But,it crashes like 5-10 minutes into the game on that level...my specs are here:
biostar M7MIA
256 megs ram
I replaced the sound driver I was using for the generic SB Live one that comes with Windows 2000 and I can play for a little longer now, but it still freezes.
I have this problem with an Intel P4 and SoundBlaster Live. Funny thing, someone earlier mentioned that they didn't start to have it until level 5. Same here - I originally had problems loading the game, but figured that one out pretty quick. Not sure what is causing this at level 5.
You see, maybe is the combination of AMD + WinXP + Geoforce2Ultra + Sound Card...
My gut feeling is that is something with OpenGL and video card or some conflict between MOHAA and AMD chipsets... ( so far no Intel person reported the similar problems)
BTW I am at 4th level with probably 80-100 crashes !!!
I had this problem. It was an IRQ conflict. I had an input device and sound card both using IRQ 11. I simply moved my sound card to a different PCI slot and that fixed it. You may, in your BIOS, need to enable PnP since winxp and win2k like to assign multiple devices the same IRQ.