Originally Posted by gtboys34
heh, i knew you were gonna say that. Ed, why dont you just join the NAACP and fight for our rights. Gah, i really dont like black ppl like you man.
I only care about myself. Why the hell would I care about some race obsessed pendejo who couldnt make an interesting thread to save his life. This is old fucking news ANYWAY. The people here know about it, we dont care because we're not suppliers.[/quote:2d666] Ok, ED, you've proven it's old news (thanks for that, despite it being really old at least you tried to help) but if it's old and you aren't interested in it then just don't post about it, please, mate.
That goes to everyone.
Unless someone is spamming recent threads I don't really want to see anyone saying "that's old" here.
That has to be one of my biggest peeves about this place. It may be old to you (in which case why are you looking at it?) but it's not going to be old to everyone.