Any tips on getting past the D-DAY level on this game??? As soon as the doors drop on the little troop boat I get PEPPERED with MG42 fire, and I mean POPPED HARD!!!! Is there ANY tricks to getting up to that little sand hill below the gun implacements before your head is blown off, or you only have like 1% health???
The best thing to do is to try to run behind the large obsticals, put something in between you and the guns. Once you can kneel down, go behind one of the obsticles and wait for the gun to stop shooting at you. Once it stops, you can move. Move to close objects and make your way to the left a bit. There is a medic. He will give you health. When up the beach and you meet the Capt. who tells you to go back and get th bangs. there is a medic to the right some more. Once you get the health it will save for you. That should help you a bit.
ok, gotten to the capt. the first two guys went through. I go and get into first crater and snip the machine gunners at the top. But if I run anywhere, I hit a mine....couldn't hear the capt. very do I avoid the mines?
you follow the trenches on the right but then you go a little left(left of the barbwire paste like the 3rd crater) if anything else just do trial and error...
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
01-27-2002, 04:15 AM
Remember way back when we were doing the math, and it was like "For every 1 time you beat Omaha, you should die 1654 times, to make it like the real omaha beach"
Oh man, the good days...
Sloidusey is my techie bear! Nuff said!
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. We ARE coming.
Much of the impact hits your getting are fake anyway. Watch you health bar and lot of the hits aren't registering. This was a good method of shaking the player up and making him nervous. One time on single player, put god mode on, made it up the beach into the bunker, and with nobody around and alone, still was being banged left and right. Again, this is a neat method of getting players anxiety up....
Canada Happy arent ya??? Hey how many levels are on this game, like say after knocking the Neblewerfers out (rocket launchers)how many left??? Someone told me this game was short, I HOPE NOT????
I have a question...I've always played MP for all games. I never play the sp at all. Personally I just get too bored with it. Was wondering if there is anyway to skip to the omaha beach sp level. I would like to check it out cuz it sounds like it would be fun. I just don't want to spend the time playing sp to get to it....too busy playing MP thx in advance!!