Ok has any one worked out how to press 1 button voice binds for mutiplayer this needs to be worked on , comon someone must know how to do this its easy in rtcw but it not so easy with mhaa well i cant do it help ..p.s i know every body wants this for multi so why no one speaks of it or has worked it out has got me confused??
I've asked about this (on the mohmatch forums0 since the demo was out, but nobody seems to know. It would be good and a helluva lot easier to shout commands around.
Some one start Building me a Mod, ill be back here in 6 days, have it ready then.
------------------ You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy. For your resistance gives me strength. Your will gives me courage. Your spirit enobles me. And tough I aim to defeat you. Should I succeed, I will not humiliate you. Instead I will honour you. For without you, I am a lesser man