The page you are looking for is no longer available at this address. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience and consider the options below.
If the URL you used has the format "www.sover.net/~username" you should contact the owner of the requested site to see if there is an updated URL. Addresses written in this format belong not to SoVerNet, but to one of our customers. Try contacting the owner by email to
username@sover.net---if the person is no longer a customer of ours, your message will be returned as undeliverable.
If the URL you sought was a page on our own website, try the following:
Our Support section has a link to a “Pesky URL” page which may have the file's new address
Click here to access our Search page; type in a topic that you are looking for on our corporate site.
Back --this will return you to your previous location, as will the browser's "Back" button
Click here for our home page .