Hey any programer out there, i bet if you make a bot for MOHAA, you will be very popular among the MOHAA community. Seriously, after Wolfenstein did not get a bot, i stop playing. Hop MOHAA will get a bot.
I agree. Bots would be awesome for MoH and Wolfenstein. Quake III, Unreal Tournament, and the first AvP made them available, which really extended the lives of those games for me. I understand Hotspur's point, but there are a lot of us who can't keep up with over-caffeinated, 14-year olds and actually enjoy bots. Plus, in LAN games at home, I like to add bots to round out teams.
you dont understand about bots here, most of us who want bots wouldnt use them in our servers, its cause we have shitty connections and want to play multiplayer without all the lag, well thats me anyways, i dont mind bots at all.
Honestly I don';t really care if there are bots in the game or not. All I want to do is play it, and thats what I do, and I have a blast. So bots or no bots, it doesn't matter,.