i went form a gf2 gts 32mb to a PNY gf3 ti 500 and my god! everything was lik 99999999999999999x better...i dont give a crap about FPS all i know i got everythong on high with a rez just below 1600x1200 or somthing and no lag! Dont get an ATI cuz peeps have been bitching about seeing the sides of the lvl, non of that in a GeFroce!! its tride a true!! good luck!
I think it is definitley time to snag a GF3 then. I found one on pricewatch.com for $188 and I guess that is not too bad. I would still like to see some screens from peoples boards just for fun to compare and drool.
i would get the gf3 500 before the gf4. u won't really need a gf4 until games like doom+ come out, and thats gonna be a while. by then u can get a gf4 500 for $188
[This message has been edited by Freakaloin (edited January 30, 2002).]
I am just wonderin what the REAL visual difference is between the GeForce2 (I have the Pro 64MB version), and the GeForce3 ti500 would be. I will post some screens from my game later tonight, but Please offer your opinions and post screens with the type of card you have listed. Thanks!!!
Well, with the GF3, you get an option for using Quincunx Anti-Aliasing. It basically smooths jagged edges and makes it look prettier, for a relatively small performance hit. Alternatively, you can turn the resolution up alot higher with the GF3 to alleviate the 'jaggies' and it will run better on the GF3.
None of the games use it right now, but the GF3 GPU has a ton of features built into it. I don't know all of them, check out nvidia for that stuff.. lets just say that the geforce3 allows things like doom3 to look as good as they do.
Right now the only real difference is that the GF3 runs the GF2 into the ground. Visually there won't be much of a difference until developers start using the programmable pixel shaders.