Originally Posted by bwolf
Originally Posted by guarnere
that song was cool for about...5 minutes...then there is only so much of a monotonous pitch you can take...i dont see how that song is good
i'll never understand how a song can be "cool for 5 minutes" either its a good song or its not... or are you one of those fab guys who changes their music tastes every week and is probably listening to crappy rave "music" right now?
dont dis rave music. IT fun to listen to at times like driving. Adn from what ive seen he doesnt change his style every week but I ont now him so I ll let him defend himself[/quote:c73dd]
he doesn't have to "defend himself" I mean i don't care if he changes his music taste... i'm not listening to the same thing i was last year, but there are songs that are constantly good. I think every song i've liked since i've matured a bit has been good... i may not be in the mood to listen to the older songs, but they are still good. I'm not trying to offend anyone... you're all my homies.... although i do still hate rave