Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
do you mean making that skin replace a stock skin?
if so, thats my specialty, as you might know...check my shit out if not.
to make the skin you want replace the stock skin:
1) use pakscape to open the pk3 file, go to models-->player, and take the [skin name].tik file out of it (not the [skin name]_fps.tik) out, put it into a folder or something.
2) go into the game and go to multiplayer options (where you pick which skin you want), and write down the name of the skin you want to replace, for example german_wehrmacht_soldier
3) exit the game and go to the .tik you put into that folder, change the name to the one you wrote down, for example [skin name].tik to german_wehrmacht_soldier.tik
4) open pakscape again and go back to models-->player, put your new .tik in the folder and get rid of the old one, save and quit
5) go into moh and look into multiplayer options again, look at the skin you replaced and it should be there
good luck, and i hope its not a cheat skin...you'd be a real bastard if it was
You know, you could have just made it simple and said...
"Just rename your .tik and your _fps.tik to the same name of the skin you want to replace in game. If you want to replace the obershutze, you would change your tik and _fps.tik to 'german_panzer_obershutze."