VSYNC is a term used to describe how a graphics board renders and displays an image to the display. With VSYNC On, the graphics board draws one frame of a scene, and waits for the monitor to display it before starting the next frame.
With VSYNC Off, the board draws one frame, and then immediately starts on the next frame - whether the display is ready for it or not.
Turning V-SYNC off wont really help much, unless you use an old moniter...I tired with V-SYNC off, and i didnt get much of any improvment.. none at all actually. If your wondering how i got V-SYNC off, it was an option attached to my graphics card (VooDoo4).
Verical sync is an attempted communication between the game, and the video drivers, to match the refresh rate your desktop is running at, and what refresh rate the game is running at. The option in Geforce properties under OpenGL that says Enable VSYNC (Usually On by Default) should be left alone. If you have a proper monitor driver for windows, you will get a list of supported refresh rates in Advanced Display Properties under the Adapter tab. Setting the refresh rate to 85 here should make games run at 85 by using Vertical Sync. However from what I've seen, Quake and MOH dont use it properly so you have to set it for the refresh rate you want with r_displayRefresh. If you set this to 85 and do vid_restart, you will see your refresh rate go to 85, and theoretically lifting the so called barrier on FPS.
This is the reason they set com_maxfps to default to 85. I guess to prevent texture tearing and graphic mess ups.
[This message has been edited by millzey123 (edited February 04, 2002).]