But come on guys and girls, r u that afraid of being caught?!......my mom doesnt have a problem, as long as we use condoms and such. Heck, she even talks about it all the time lol. I also guess, that all of u r awake at this time coz there is a new post about this topic every 3 min...lol
haha, poor bryan was freaking out, i'm trying to keep myself AND him calm.. we sat in my room on my bed for like 45min waitintg for her to go to bed in total silence.. we like almost fell asleep a few times, it was fucked up
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *GEL* DeathStrike gm: I also guess, that all of u r awake at this time coz there is a new post about this topic every 3 min...lol
Lol sorry im a nightwalker, but see not all of us are as lucky as that, my mom would kill me if she knew i was fakin in her house........she only lets me get away with smokin bud..
I think that might have pissed his pants...lol, yeah, i kind of feel bad for the guy. We all have being in those type of situation....now public places....have u guys done anything erotic in public places?
Mephisto, just goto school dances or something, how I met my GF is when I was breakdancing every made a big circle around the peeps who were breakin', and she saw me and said I looked hot or something and her friends asked me if I would dance wit her and it all led to our relationship now lol.
nothing in public but have did things in the kitchen and also on the couch with my mom and her freind a room over being able to hear everything we were doing lol........
phil, dude, join the croud, i don't have a girlfriend either and it gets frustrating and sometime si get all emotional (talking fast) and start freaking and spazing and going insane and then i take my ritalin and then i'm fine....