Yeah ,but they should have placed like reinforcement waves like when u die u dont spawn instantly but have to wait 30 secs or so plus give you the option to have different unit classes (medic,engineer) in MOH.
I am forty-six and I also “feel like a big kid” playing this game (MOH). I think that those of us who are maybe a tad older may have a little bit more appreciation for WWII and all that went on within it. Or least it feels that way. Playing MOH really brings back those old ‘war stories’ that my dad would tell me about. WWII was JUST before my (our) time. I wonder what those who actually fought in the ‘Good War’ would think of playing MOH? Now THAT would be interesting reading!
BTW, I too have lost interest in ‘single play’ mode with RTCW. (Multiplayer however is incredible!) The zombies were kinda cool at first (nice special effects and all), but after a while I kinda started looking for the ‘quarter slot’ to play another three minutes - arcadish like. But MOH is totally immersive and satisfying to play in single play. I didn’t even completely finish RTCW, but I’ve already completed MOH and on my second time through. I’ll bet that if MOH didn’t come along to put things into perspective I probably wouldn’t have thought anything ‘arcadish’ about RTCW play. As to how RTCW and MOH compare in multiplayer, well that’s a close call. I love em’ both and for different reasons.
Neither in MoH, nor in RTCW can you talk about "realism". Not with that kind of Sniper Rifles, Rocket Launchers, and other stuff. At least RTCW has a class system, which adds some teamplay.
If you want a realistic WW2 Mod, see for Halflife. Beta 2 might come out tomorrow...mor real then you ever thought it'd get.