It's been heavilly discussed on this forum how public servers never harbour a lot of teamwork. Public servers are going to have to cater for all sorts of skill ranges and styles so you'll never get coordination on a large scale.
If you expect it you'll be dissapointed.
Personally I get much more enjoyment out of turning a losing game round to a winning one (so far as team score is concerned). It's a good feeling to join a game on the losing side and actually make the difference to bring the scores level.
If that means I have to get the most kills then so be it. If it means I team up with the players I play with mostly then all well and good. If it means playing carefuly and working on beating the enemy at his own game then even better.
It's been a long time since I worried about what weapon my enemy was using on a public server. If they enjoy it what right do we have to judge them?
It's a bloody game and it's not made just for one person to enjoy, it's made for everyone.
I happen to enjoy using my own tactics to get into a decent position and get lots of kills on my own. Whether it be Allies or Axis.
The idea is to kill the other team and if that means one person does it all on themselves then that's how it is. If they aren't good then they'll die more often than not.
I get much more enjoyment out of a team work win, though. That's why I look foward to playing clan matches much more than playing public servers.
Funny thing is, I got a high kill rate on a blueyonder server the other night and one of the Allies complained that it was easy to grenade spam.
This was after I had thrown one grenade.
So I said I wouldn't use grenades anymore and I still managed to get as many kills. It's ludicrous. No one is ever happy what weapon you use unless it's the same as theirs.
Some games I'll not get hardly any kills at all. So long as the team wins I'm happy, though.
You have good points but they've already been raised quite a lot already.
Bottom line is you'll never get good teamwork consistently on public servers.
Just be patient and look forward to clan matches.
Just one other thing... The shotgun is soooo over-rated. I can't go back to it, it's so limited. If people change to it to get more frags then good luck to them.