I have just worte, and sent, a letter to 2015, the creators of MOH:AA. I realise that they are not in charge of the SDK, but since EA has dropped off the face of the earth, i figured why not give them an email. Now, i don't suggest everyone go out and mail them, we dont want to piss them off. My letter pretty much covers all the basics of the SDK that we want to know, stretching across a one and a half page doccument I wrote to them. I just sent it about 15 mins. ago, so, if they mail me back, we should get an answer whithin the next two days or so.
Hopfully, this will open a window, as to when the SDK will be released. If anyone is interested what they say as a reply, just ask, and when (if) I get a responce, ill tell let you know. Im just as eager about the SDK as all of you are...
[This message has been edited by TheBlazer (edited February 07, 2002).]