people who whine about shotties being used by noobs and don't require skills are the ones that are frustrated as hell because they kept gettin blown off... its bullshit to say that using a shotgun requires no a person with a 100-20 kill rate on DM using a shottie is just all flukie with no are dreaming.. anybody can use a shotgun but it doesnt mean anybody will be good at it.. same with an smg and a rocket and a sniper rifle...a shottie have 5 shells.. if you need to shot twice to kill someone then you suck period. thats the bottom line... 1 shot 1 kill just as with the sniper rifle. if yer deadly in a shottie its sufface to say your also pretty good on an smg.. its all in the aim and that itself is a skill. Anyway here's a tip if ya face a shottie in a room.. move back, dodge left n right while plantin his head with yer smg.. unless he's lethal with his aim he's toast. However if yer 2 feet from him..forget it.. you'll never beat em. Its fact.
and i thought that well knew that i pumped some1 twice in the head but they pulled out there pistol gave me 1 shot (in the lower torso) and I died how fucked is that.
Starcraft is still good...... really I mean it.
Sniping is more skill, you actually have to move from place to place, if u camp you'll aventually be found, but with shotgun it takes hardly no skill, you just shoot the fuck outa every thing and hope it hits someone lol.
correct sgt.saiyin but your downfall in that comment is that you HOPE to hit someone. so if u didnt have skill ud be pepperd by smgs and blasted by rockets.
Starcraft is still good...... really I mean it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by newbieassulted: correct sgt.saiyin but your downfall in that comment is that you HOPE to hit someone. so if u didnt have skill ud be pepperd by smgs and blasted by rockets.
uhmm the only way you dont get blasted by a rocket is if he misses. how does that take skill on your part?
shotty is close range with a wide spread. any moron with a 2 dolla mouse can hit a target like that.
you get 5 rounds, reloading takes awhile, and if youre not at close range you're screwed, or if youre a HPB. i find it harder to use than the SMGs, but thats just me
Someone on this thread mentioned that using the shottie takes more skill becuase of the slow reload time.
Slow reloads are irrelevant if you blast someone with your first two shots. Heh.
But I still think sniping takes more skill. Ever try to drop someone who's running 20 yards away firing at you and try to hit him UNSCOPED? Or how about trying to pick someone off who's on a dead run to cross the street (weapon holstered for full speed) from 200 yards (like on The Hunt)?
sniper rifle is harder to use then a shotgun is with the shotgun you suck so bad that you need like a 20 yard diameter on youre shots to kill a guy while with a sniper you got to wait and wait and then hit moving targets and all that sniper rifles are by far harder
Interesting point on both guns being on the opposite end of the spectrum.
They are both 1 shot kills, however one is long range one is short range.
There is probably no point in what takes the most skill. One could make a case for any weapon.
I have a new idea for juding the weapons. What weapon have you had the most fun with?
Being an lpb I've used all the weapons, I've gotten the most kills with SMG, which in my opinion is the most versatile. However, I've had a lot of fun with the ol' shottie. For example on the hunt, being on the allies and rushing through on the right hand side popping nazis in the face as i rush through the hallways then having to deal with a sniper by the church with only a pistol and nades.
I guess my point in this whole thread was to give some respect to the shottie whores and stop treating snipers like gods. We shotgun weilders are the ones sticking our necks out by rushing through hallways to stop anyone from getting our snipers. We are the one's with the balls dancing around like mad-men risking sitting out for 10 minutes in spectator mode while the snipers hide in the shadows playing cat and mouse. Long live the shottie.