"Day of Defeat 2.0 certified bot has been released. The bot, named Strumbot has been upgraded to version 1.2. This version adds DoD beta 2.0 compliance, adds some features, and fixes some errors. Here are the details and a download link:
Added:- Beta 2.0 support.
Added:- The bots use more voice commands.
Added:- The bots listen to more voice commands.
Added:- The bots use some handsignals.
Added:- Waypoints for all official maps.
Added:- Machine gunner bots go prone while in combat.
Added:- The bots will deploy their machine gun.
Added:- Added support for capture areas.
Added:- Support for maps with multiple objects and capture points.
Added:- Different combat behaviour for skilled bots.
Added:- Break waypoint
Added:- Waypoint connections.
Added:- New fun mode.
Fixed:- Spectators can now edit waypoints.
Fixed:- The bots selects and use all weapons.
Fixed:- Removed some navigation bugs.
Fixed:- Improved the squad system.
Fixed:- All different classes will now listen to "Covering Fire" and "Sniper"
Fixed:- Crouch jump bug "
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