I have not heard anything specific about an alternate release of Medal of Honor with a documents CD, but it is not unusual for games to be released with all of the documentation in PDF format on a seperate disc. I have several games like that, though most are game collections. A wargame collection and a role playing game collection each came with document CDs, as does a newer flight sim. So it's not impossible that this guy has one, though it sounds unusual ...
... and if he doesn't have his computer, as he says, how is he posting to the message board?
Hi!I got my cd today , Im from sweden so swedish people, expect it soon ... Anyway, i got a cd named : Documents, my question is: What can i do with the cd?? Ok i could tryout by myself but i dont have the computer right now so i cant test it, plz answer.
This cat is a dangerous cat, no really.
that guy is a nut, wrong message board and maybe even the wrong country for gods sake! jesus their taking over i tell ya.... aint nothin we can do but sit back and let the monkeys throw their poop and chain us to the bed for spankins..... or something