whilst i agree that many places in the chest will kill you, no chest shot is instant(with small caliber that is).
which makes instant kill shots in the chest unrealistic. in regards to stomach shots, the stomach is the second most painful place to get shot(knee cap being the worst). But it takes hours to die from a stomach wound(unless it hits your liver then your fucked).
now we agree that a chest shot wont kill you instantly correct?
ok, lets say you and i are in a real worl gun fight. you pop around a corner to be greated by the sight of my thompson pointed directly at you. I open up and hit you in the chest twice (in DoD and mohaa 'realism modded games' instantly killing you).
you have a SMG too. do you
A) take those 2 shots in the chest and lay down dead?
B) open up with your smg and shoot at me until either you or i land a head shot or we both run out of ammo and are to injured to reload?
My problem with ultra realism is it isnt anything like realism. They assume that since you took one bullet by a rifle in the upper torso that you will die and thus kill your player instantly.
I realise that yes, in ww2 a chest wound would take you out of commision but alot of the time it didnt kill.
So instead of modeling the game realistically. these mod maker for go realism for instant kills. instant kills are supposed to discourage "ramob" in favor ofmore realistic covering fire tactic oriented gameplay. But that doesnt work because hey guess what. In real ife there is no respawn. When i die im dead. therefor in real life i will always be more cuatious than in a video game.
Also what about the hero factor? How come that isnt modled. in these games noone could be this guy
there is no adrenalin system modeled in this game. there are countless stories in ww2 of single men doing super human things. Ive read stories of men taking many many shots and still accomplishing the goal, only to drop dead seconds later.
yet none of this is modled in the any o these "realism" mods.
counter strike models it correctly IMO. Head shots should kill you instantly. If you get shot in the body you should be slowed and thus an easier target. if the guy cant finish you off well thats his fault.
ultra realism is stupid. realism with out going over board(lets face it modeling it perfectly is imposible) is what i think is the most fun.
there is a reason counter-strike is the number 1 shooter.
If MoH had more weapon balance and a damage model similar to counter-strike. You would see a new number 1 game online.