What i want to do is give the axis the m1 garant.
But i dont know where i can change the specified weapon for a model.
Maybe the kar98 should be the m1 garant.
I think this could be done serverside only - because no new skins are needed
hm... - this are weapon skins.
i dont want to mod a weapon.
if allies drop the m1 then axe can pick it up and use it.
so all is implemented in the game allready - i only need to define the startweapon from the menue - but i havent found anything about that.
that will not work
this will only work if you want to make a server & client side mod.
because if you only rename the file the axe m1 will look like a kar98.
sure the firerate will be the same like m1 but it looks cracy and the animations are still there. like bash or some other things realy look cracy.
this only works correctly when the client has the kar98 mod installed.
( i have done this allready)
i want to change the weapon equipment for a existing player or skin.
there have to be a file that tells the server what weapon he gets when he choose a rifle weapon - but i havent found it.
hmmm... i realy thought ther has to be a solution.
but if there is not - then with the server/client side mod other troubles appear.
1. the axe player with the modded m1 respawns with no weapon.
he have to change the weapon - after this he can use the kar98 (m1).
2. if you join a server not installed this kar98/m1 mod then you will realy have cracy animations oOo:
anyway - i think ther must be a way to give skins or player other weapons.
normaly you only need client side mods to implement new files - like sound, graphics or skins.
Try the power of scripting mate. I know you can give a player a set weapon as they spawn so with a little tweaking im sure you can give axis a garand if thats what you mean. Is it??
PS look over at TMT'S scripting forum if you want to know more.
PPS i just realised i am sending ppl over to TMT way to much i must stop!
thats exactly what i want to do
the only trouble ist i dont know what im looking for.
what do i have to mod?
is it the axis player so i have to mod the german_mechanic skin or is it the map? or a script for the gameplay ..? - i havent found anything with that respawn thing. - but i will try to read some things here maybe i find the right solution.
thx again
Toe, if you wanna give the M1 Garand to the Axis, you can. Like said before, all you have to do is change the .tik names around. i've done it before. for you who has the actual mod in your Main folder, on axis the Kar will no longer be there, the M1 will be. however, for those who do NOT have the mod, they will still see the Kar, however, the fact that you changed around the .tik names will be shown when you have the M1 in your grasp. It will say M1, but it will look like the Kar and will work as the M1. no reload between each shot like the Kar normally does, etc. if you need it to be shown to you let me or someone know on here and i'll whip up the mod quick so you can take a gander at it's .tik files.
i made the mod, the only thing is the reloading animations, they look a bit funny. but other than that, every thing is perfect. gimme ur email or some1 lemme know where i can upload it and u can have it biggrin: if u wanna know how i did it, look at the stuff i did. have fun!