Is there anyone who has a s3 savage 4 graphic card and are able to run mohaa.
I can't run mohaa on my computer. The problem is that it crashes after the first startup picture when they are in the higgins boat. It just comes a grey screen and then it goes back to the desktop.
You will have probs running it on your PC. The MINIMUM specs are for a 450mhz Intel or AMD processor, but they RECOMMEND 700mhz or faster to get the best out of it. I run a 18mth old PIII 800 and it still just manages to go well. I am afraid it is hands in the pocket time.
You are only as old as the gun you are holding
I know that the computer is a bit slow but i played it on a 450mhz p2 and it runs fine. I'm maybe getting a new computer in the end of march i Dell get their fingers out of their ass.
Is there anyone who can answer my question and just don't say "update the drivers" because there is no new drivers to the graphic card that works.
cause he is a swede they have all sorts of money but if ya wanna run it why dont u explain what happened during the crash and since ur gettin a new comp send me ur old parts i can piece a new one together take out the superold shit and sell it to a moron for 800 bucks
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!
like i said in earlier post that is enuf system to run i did run on my 233mmx with 64 mes ram n 32 meg pci geforce 2 mx200 and i ran in 30 fps so if he has any brain he can run it just fine he just needs to say what kind of crash is happening be a lil more descriptive
The problem is that it crashes after the first startup picture when they are in the higgins boat. It just comes a grey screen and then it goes back to the desktop.
thats the problem it can't be described any further..
and why i getting a new computer is because it's a Compaq and it sucks really bad.
Location: Germany, screaming profanities at the Krauts
02-16-2002, 11:15 AM
hey i was having the same problem cept it happened b4 the things started. heres wot u should do:
make a shortcut on desktop if u havent already.
right click on it then hit properties.
where it says command line click on it
after it says the location which might be something like "C:Program FilesEa GamesMedal of Honor Allied Assaultmohaa.exe"
take 1 space after the " and type this
+set cl_playintro 0 +set ui_skip_eamovie 1 +set ui_skip_titlescreen 1 +set ui_skip_legalscreen 1 +set developer 1 +set ui_console 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1