I'm stuck at the nebelwerfer level. After i had created a massacre near the shattered tiger tank and cleared out the church, i walked down a road and got shot to lunchmeat. Before i went down, i could see the nebelwerfers. But, how do i destroy them before they destroy me?
Use your sniper rifle and take out the Krauts manning the mg42s. Do this from the path away from where the craters are. Then attack the left bunker staying as far left as possible. Use your Thompson for this as there will be Krauts coming out of the bunker to get you. Then get inside the bunker to clear any remaining Krauts and to get some needed health packs. Then use the sniper rifle again to get the Krauts in the far right bunker. It's best to do this while still in the first bunker.
Next, take out the first gun by planting a charge. Then make your way to the short wall next to the road. Stay behind it to protect against the shelling. Wait for the shells to burst next to you and run with your smg to the far bunker. Take out the mg42 with your Thompson or a grenade. Use your B.A.R or smg in the trenches. Kill all Krauts before attempting to take out the other guns. Good luck.
Stay out in the trench to your right until you've sniped all of the mg42s. After destroying the first gun, make your way to the other guns via the same trench. Otherwise you'll be fragged by the other guns.
First run flank right and you will meet a squad of germans kill them walk to the shingle and you can clearly see all the nebelwerfers or how you did spell it.
Then snipe out all the MG42 guys and run like hellover the field. You might take som damage but you can handle it. WATCH FOR MINES!!!!! and then walk in to the bunker and take health pack and ammo if there is any.
Then clear out the whole bunker and then plant the bombs on the Nebelwerfers and then...... MISSION COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!