YA! and i knew i foud one. Ok its in the MP map Ramagen. Its in the buidling that connects both spawn points. Whell if ur goign in after u spawned as an axis u go foword dont go upstairrs. U end up in a blue or purp room i think go fowrod in the hall. On ur right u see a room that has a stair case and on ur left u see a dead end with a cubburd type thing there crouch and walk into the cuppord!
cool huh? Enemy cant see u either. hope this is an easter egg, or just a neifty trick.
hey ive used that trick so many times and it works well your stupid for givin it away!!!!
wait a second, if chistians thing that we were made in the image of god and scientists think we evolved from monkeys, wouldn't that mean god is a monkey?
lol i use that spot to teach people a lesson if everyone is using rocket. hide in there with a rifle, listen carefully, pop out, pop them, fall back. i dont think you can shoot through it so at least they have a chance. still more fun when they have a chance to shoot back tho.