Nice kill, Spiewalk. Always nice to get a nice big fat multi-frag.
It doesn't really make the bazooka a good weapon, though, it just means you got lucky to have 5 targets all together at once at the same time and got a clean shot in.
But, cool screeny anyway.
Sgt Wolf... Where did you read that bazookas lag servers? This simply isn't true.
Bazookas are annoying, but they add a little variety and I don't personaly think they ruin normal games at all (I can see why they would get old fast on FF servers, though).
I've seen someone use the bazooka as his primary weapon and he was actually quite skillful and had one of the highest scores consistently. He rarely killed himself and in my opinion justified the bazooka well.
He is a rarity, though.
But for someone to get good at any weapon to the extent that they can consistently win rounds with it requires at least some skill and they deserve to use it.
I've always said that it isn't the weapon that wins rounds it's the skill of the players behind them.
Back to Spiewalk, with this in mind, your 5 kill with the rpg must have made you feel good but it doesn't make you skillful, and it doesn't make the gun any better. If you could do that consistently then perhaps it would convince players of that. Don't expect to convince people on a forum using screenshots, though.
5 kills in one shot is no different from 5 kills with 5 shots. It's still 5 kills. In fact, if you think about it...
Which is likely to require more skill? 5 kills with 5 shots, or 5 kills with one?
5 shots mean you have to aim 5 times. 1 shot means you only have to get it right once, and the splash damage will do the rest for you.
That is the up-side of bazookas (from the user's point of view). The downsides are very clear, and those who choose to use them all the time should be aware of both. I think the downsides outweigh the upsides, which is why I don't bother using it.
Sadly, the majority of players who use the rpg are not aware of the downsides to upsides ratio. But that's not our loss, is it?
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited February 25, 2002).]