Hi to whoever you are. I just bought mohaa. i am new to online gaming and wonder if the "freeze" effect i am getting in the online games is noermal. What happens is that all of a sudden i'm the nly one moving and then all of a sudden i'm "pulled" back to a previous location in the level or dead, or about to be killed or something shitty. Anyone no why? I'm running a P4 1.5 ghz with 256mb ram, geforce 2 mx 64mb, winXP, and have a dsl net connection. thanks in advance
Welcome to the wonderfull world of online LAG. Your getting some type of packet loss some where on the network. Try and find a server with a ping under 120ms
and Welcome to aa.com
Not so Rude,
[This message has been edited by rudedog (edited February 26, 2002).]
dsl hasnt been connecting so good lately on gamespy. your just getting lagged so your connection is slower than you think. look for games with low pings(ie numbers) under 120ms is good everything else is a nuisance