Originally Posted by Tystnad
Cobra m8, see if you can get the
heli from MW on it, so that it gets
compatible with the mod. If you do,
im pretty sure i can get the map up
on the UK's first MW server, my
clans one. biggrin:
Choppers lag. They aren't made for the game. I know how frustrating it is for some people that have computers that lag. I've gone through this discussion many times. This map will be for whatever. I think that it would run great with a weapons mod even modern warfare. I';ve never gave a shit about what people do with my work. ALways feel free to take it and have fun. That's what it's all about.
It's kinda inspired by farcry. But in the time I spent making it in one day the next day proved to be even more productive. Ill be back.
DJ LOL biggrin: