Originally Posted by Fireal
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Fireal
Originally Posted by "Jotun":0721f
i dont like it. shitty band too.
Glassjaws music > Dream Theaters, Steve Vais, Jason Beckers. The list continues
ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. whatever you say. Forgive them Lord for they know not of what they speak.
I know that Dream Theaters, Steve vais, and Jason Beckers music is all boring music. Glassjawss music is 235095804948305983409x more entertaining.
You know nossing, I know for a fact you havent heard any of Steve Vai's or Jason Becker's music, you're too fucking ignorant and lazy to listen to it, or even appreciate the talent and skill. You're 15 fucking years old, you have no musical taste, and you're incredibly close minded.
as for guar, eh, i cant hate guar <3.
no one gives music a chance.[/quote:0721f]
A while ago, after hearing all the hype i downloaded a steve vai album. It had like 234093 songs. I listened to a few and just hated it. ITs boring. As for jason becker, when you posted that sig. I downloaded a few songs, and thought it was boring. So it looks like you dont know it for a fact.
Also, I can appreciate the skill and talent. No question these guys are probably wayy more talented then Glassjaw. But, i still cant listen to their music.