have you played each other in multiplayer yet or are you paying more attention to the single player untill it is complete and then move to multiplayer ?
Yeah PSX graphics suck, but MoH and Underground are still AWESOME games, I'm just finishing off Underground now, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Does the PS2 make PSX graphics look heaps better ??
I don't like the graphichs for the PSX MoH...but that's not such a big deal....I play it on my PS2 all the time. The graphics aren't changed so much. But MoH is a game where you get sucked in by the mission and the gameplay. And of course the sound in that game is the best EVER...
I saw this thing called bleem, its lets you play psx games on your computer making them look about 3 times better and I am thinking about getting or renting one of the moh games.