Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by "Trunks":436ae
Originally Posted by "Miscguy":436ae
Maybe he's "testing" those people or those around thems "faith". You know that whole "god works in mysterious ways" bullshit people always use when bad things happen. That or hes punishing hte parents for there lives of sin, or fate has plans for them never being able to see/hear.
I often use this as an example. What about the holocaust. 6 million people died. Was he testing our faith then?
maybe he was helping people in the long run with population control. oOo:
Well if he was going to do that then y cant he kill people evenly? He didnt kill 6 million jews, 6 million bhuddhists 6 million catholics, 6 million himdus etc, he just killed 6 million jews. Also, isnt god supposed to be the most understanding and compassionate being of all? So then why would this perfect being commit genocide?
no being was perfect except for Jesus; and you could make an argument that Mary was perfect too.
EDIT: I totally misread the last sentence of your statement--my bad. God does put people under tests to see their level of faith. This world does not matter when it comes to rules of God's compassion. It's the afterlife that God will give forgiveness and show his compassion towards his loved children.[/quote:436ae] I understand what youre saying but it just doesnt make sense. Correct me if I am misunderstanding you but are you implying that it doesnt matter how you die? I beg to differ. I would much rather die instantly from a bullet to the head then die by being crucified or watnot.[/quote:436ae]nope, i'm not saying anything about ways of death. I am saying that our "human life" is a whole test of faith. I know, most people think that's a bunch of crock shit, but that's what i believe. The faith is the thing that will matter at judgement when you die. So, I'm saying that God shows his compassion when you're standing before him ready to hear your sentence (eternal life in heaven/hell/pergatory/limbo). That's where God's compassion sets in, and not totally in our human lives. That's why people have it harder than others. That's why life isn't fair. It's all a test of faith.