Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by bukdez
do you even know any gay people?...
many. I am semi-friends with one gay kid, but I don't care if he was my best friend. Marriage is a man and a female[period]
if you feel that way thats fine, it is your right to have your own beliefs. We are talking about a vote in Michigan that is being labeled as the "gay marrige" proposal when it is far from that. It will limit far more than gay marrage it will limit civil unions which opens a whole can of worms. This would also ammend our Constitution, not a new law, the Constitution. I dont want two generations from now saying "why is sex in the Constition?" it is currently against the law in Michigan for same sex marrage so why do we need this? Its because of all the BS that is put in the fine print. They (the politions) label it as a gay marrage bill so it will pass but if you read the whole thing it is much more than that.
what ever you do get off your lazy ass and go vote