For multiplayer I think there should be bots. like for the omaha map. i can't imagine having an omaha map with 8 people trying to make it up a beach. I heard there was going to be a coop. maybe you should put in a coop where players can pick to be allied or axis.
I would like bots for a different experience. If I cant play online because of some reason, I always like playing against bots. If bots are in great, if not ohwell. I'm sure somebody will make a program to add bots, just like they did for Counterstrike.
------------------ Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.
A deathmatch bot vs. single player AI are two totally different concepts . Plus there are significant technical issues concerned with making a bot vs. making single-player AI. I'll let Earl or Carl explain it in more detail if they're up for it .
Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers