great skin. i like how the head stays tilted to the side and the bloody hand prints on the forearms. they do look like they belong in dawn of the dead.
what you need to do GS; is have a hundred or so AI Bots (your undead) running around and set to go to the nearest player. teams would be set up as security guards vs. survivors. teams would play against each other and at the same time have to avoid being touched by the undead. the undead AI Bots wouldn't have weapons, a couple touches by the bots would kill a player. the undead AI bots could only be killed by a head shot (body shots would only temp slow down the bot) you could even set it up so that if a pack of undead bots ganged up on a player, once the player's health reached a low level (like 60%) all but maybe three of the bots would "break off" and hunt down the closest player. total mayhem with death coming form all sides ie. the other team and the undead.
objective gameplay: set up a bus on one side of the mall, the team that gets 4-5 teammembers on it at once wins
deathmatch: self explanatory
capture the flag: one team has all the food on thier side, other team has the ammo; get supplies safely to your side to win.
also GS, i worked out a couple undead textures last night for kicks if you want them.
the ideas philly has sound straight outta dawn of the dead. which is fast paced action. i was thinkin' GS's map was gonna be a slower paced methodical resident evil type.