Originally Posted by Pyro
I saw the raptors like two or three weeks ago against the team with the best record in the nba, Seattle.
It was fun,me xcept for the fact that the fucking raptors wouldn't go and try to score one more fucking point for free pizza...Seattle already won im sure they would of just let the guy walk up for our free fucking pizza.
we got the free pizza, it was good.
still lost though, they gave up in the end, I saw a guy with a poster saying "i iwsh this was a leafs game, i thought it was funny. Aslo heard lots of shouting at shaq and vince, best one was when a guy 6 rows behind vince shouted out "your a waste of fucking dna", then when vince turned around the guy flipped him off. Vince just smiled and continued to watch the game from the bench. Even after the loss, he had a giant smile on his face. The raptors just gave up towards the end, it sucked.