has anyone read this book by Joseph E. Persico . its supposed to tell stories about the agents of the OSS during world war 2 . i'm thinking about picking it up .
Best WW2 book I've read is The Eagle Has Landed. The story is about a group of German Paras who are sent into England disguised as a Polish section of the SAS to assasinate William Churchill.
I highly recommend it.
Wow, sounds like great books. I enjoyed Fatherland. It's about the what if's of the war. It takes place in Nazi Germany in the sixties. It seems that Germany won the war.
Best WW2 Novel (fiction) that I have read is "The Berkut" by Joseph Heywood. Out of Print and hard to find it deals with an SS officer's attempt to sumggle a very alive Adolph H. out of Germany and with the Soviet Special Operatives trying to stop him.
Best piece of WW2 Non-fiction I read is any of the books by Stephen Ambrose, Citizen Soldiers being the best I think.